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Active mag
Heaps of stuff about how to get the best out of your active workspace. Stand sit desks, wobble stools, ergonomic seating - how to get the most of them ? Articles, posts, links and viewpoints in abundance.

Stuart Davenport
1 min read
Are open offices only about saving money ?
This video is just gold. It tracks the development of the "open office" and explains why it turned into the great office design...

Stuart Davenport
3 min read
A brief history of the development of ergonomic office furniture in New Zealand
New Zealand has essentially followed world trends in ergonomic office design but some trends we have been quicker to adopt than others....

Stuart Davenport
2 min read
Why Powercore is the best choice for ergonomic office furniture in Wellington ?
We think we are the best option for ergonomic office furniture in the Wellington area. It's easy for us to say it but here is why. Better...

Stuart Davenport
2 min read
The state of the modern office. Are standing desks the complete answer ?
Standing desks or wobble stools are tools to help you get active but movement is the real objective.

Stuart Davenport
2 min read
Standing desk top space - Using it better
We all know that standing desk tops are getting smaller. The cost of office space goes up and use of laptops for hybrid working and less...

Stuart Davenport
3 min read
Why do you need a dual monitor arm ?
There are a number of good reasons why you should use a monitor arm on your sit stand desk but you might be surprised about some of them...

Stuart Davenport
1 min read
Use a bar leaner as a stand sit desk
Try a bar leaner as a stand sit desk solution. It's cheap, it works and it's a great stop gap solution.

Stuart Davenport
1 min read
Digital Nomad takes off !!
Long time Powercore customer - Digital Nomad are expanding. If you are looking for a shared workspace in Wellington pop in and see them....

Stuart Davenport
1 min read
Bling your office out
We like a cool looking office and while our desks and chairs make a big difference - sometimes you need an extra touch. We recently did a...

Stuart Davenport
1 min read
Take a Powercore standing desk for a spin
Take a Powercore standing desk for a spin.

Stuart Davenport
1 min read
Is this what you offer your employees ??
Is this what you offer new employees ?

Stuart Davenport
1 min read
We need walls !
There is a lot in this BBC podcast that is interesting and there's a lot that's just plain entertaining. The series is about how humans...

Stuart Davenport
1 min read
Fancy a desk pad ?
We're resigned to only being to offer white tops on Powercore desks for a while. The supply of board in NZ is SOO bad - we only offer...

Stuart Davenport
1 min read
What are VESA fittings ?
What is a VESA fitting and why do you need one ?

Stuart Davenport
1 min read
Pohutakawa in the office ?
We go to lots of offices...and I mean LOTS! One thing that strikes us is how DULL so many office spaces are. I'm not talking about desks...

Stuart Davenport
1 min read
Office Maps integrate with Zapier
Ok so we recently did a post on Office Mapping software and looked at various office mapping solutions - one of which stood out for us as...

Stuart Davenport
3 min read
Will office mapping software work for you ?
Whenever we are involved with delivering and installing what are basically shared assets to an organisation (desks, lockers, meeting...

Stuart Davenport
1 min read
Setting up wi-fi for a small office
So many small offices moving away from Ethernet (wired) internet solutions these days. I found this simple explanation of the 7 main...

Stuart Davenport
1 min read
Wiring for Ethernet (a guide)
It's rare to find a simple, well explained, guide to networking an office. This is in my opinion the way to go. Follow these...

Stuart Davenport
1 min read
How good are smartphone sound measurement apps ?
Got sound problems in your office space ? This article investigates how good smartphone apps are at measuring sound levels. It's a...
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